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Henan Qinbiao Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
Proveedor multi-especialidad
Henan, China
Productos principales:Máquina para envolver bolas de masa hervida, máquina para hacer conos de pizza, máquina para hacer pasta, máquina para hacer bolas de masa hervida, máquina para dividir masa
Annual sales US $1,150,000Total trading staff (7)Annual export US $345,000Total floorspace (200㎡)

Henan Qinbiao Industrial Development Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful city of Luohe, Henan Province. Since its establishm entin2014,
with 8 years of experience, we specialize in providing various food processing equipment, such as vegetable slicers, fruit slice rs, vegetable and fruit potato cleaning machines, potato slicers, and meat processing machines, meat slicers and mincers, jui ce machines, vegetable and fruit drying machines, dumpling skin production machines, dumpling making machines, noodle machines, Miscellaneous grain grinder, sugarcane juicer, vegetable juicer, oven, hamburger production line, oil press, pasteur ization machine, etc. Most of our products come with CE, NSF, LFGB and FDA Certificate.